Pitch Decks

Shared with permission of writer and producing team of PUBLIC EMILY
The Pitch Deck has become an essential tool for film and television professionals.
An effective pitch deck successfully introduces your project in an emotionally powerful and visually exciting way to producers, executives, agents, managers, investors, and talent. It allows them to see and feel the story, enriching the experience of reading your script. You are giving your reader a comprehensive understanding of the potential of your project being produced. It can inspire them to take action.
What I Do
I'll carefully study your script and in close consultation with you, identify the heart and core strengths of your project.
I will then draft the copy and produce a dynamic visual design that will create an engaging user experience that perfectly captures the emotion, tone, and characters of your story that demonstrates your unique vision.
Standard Elements Included in Your Project's Pitch Deck:
Key Art
Title Page
Log Line/Hook
Time Period
Producing Team
Key Crew
Key Creatives
Budget Top Sheet
Revenue Projections
Market Assets
Director's Statement
Writer's Statement
Producer's Statement
Art Direction
Visual References
Casting Inspiration/Suggestions
Comparable Projects
Depending on what stage your project is at, some of these elements may not be needed.
If you have additional elements you believe are key to your project, I will incorporate those as well.
My mission is to produce for you a Pitch Deck that expressly illustrates your project's vision and goals.
Delivered in PDF Format.
Please contact me to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation to discuss your project needs and how I can help you.
Please follow this link to view a selection of my work samples.
Click on Image to see our selection of our work
Our work is confidential and defined as consultation, not collaborative. AWD does not seek acknowledgement, ownership, or credit as a result of our services. NDA's happily signed if requested.